Aspen Alternatives

Posted in: Plants, Home
By Athena Beshur
Jul 27, 2015

Aspen Alternatives

Of course every plant selection depends on location!  Sun exposure, slope, root space & soil type all play into the decision.

For a stand-along space, bringing in a single tall column, such as a SKYROCKET JUNIPER or MEDORA JUNIPER adds definition.  A shade tree, such as a BURR OAK would create a place to enjoy the outdoors on a hot summer day.  PURPLE PLUM SHRUB or CHOKECHERRY add burgundy, and a PEA SHRUB, either in standard or multi-truck form, adds nitrogen fixing for the soil and a fun smaller element.

Along fences, ROSES make beautiful additions, as well as hedges of NATIVE CHOKECHERRIES, with their incredible autumn color and delicious fruit, especially for birds.  Other options include perennial sunflowers, GAMBEL OAKS, or FRUIT TREES. For the geometric garden, a line of GRASSES add movement with each breeze.  PRIVETS have bright green foliage and can be pruned to work in many locations.

It is time in Santa Fe for prepare for the predicted hotter, drier climate. Now is the time to make our landscapes resiliant!  PLANT SMART!

Chokecherry, red or native

fruit trees

evergreen junipers


Gambel Oak